Written by Susie Ashfield: Speech and Presentation Coach. Helping C-Suite Executives and Founders to Deliver Talks That Blow Their Audience & Shareholders Away.
Does ‘urgent’ work get put on your desk just before you head home? If you keep accepting last minute work you’re establishing a pattern.
That’s going to result in your always being the person your boss knows they can dump work on. And it’s going to keep happening until you start to push back. Here’s how you can do it assertively and politely.
1. When it’s not your work
If the work isn’t your responsibilty, then you’re not actually the best person to do it. Just because you’re visibly present, that doesn’t mean you should be the one picking up the slack for other people.
Explain that the task would be done more effectively if were done by the person whose job it actually is.
2. When you have too much on your plate already
When you can’t physically take more work on, start to draw lines. The person putting the work on you may not fully understand how much you’re doing currently so it’s down to you to simply explain it.
Explain that you’re at your full capacity and say that ONLY if your schedule changes will you be able to take on the additional work.
3. When you need to set a boundary
This is the one people struggle with most, but setting clear boundaries will mean a better work/life balance, and a better relationship in the long term with the person who keeps giving you ‘urgent’ tasks. It’ll feel really uncomfortable the first time you do it, but eventually it’ll feel like second nature.
Set a boundary by accommodating their request, whilst clearly outlining where the line is for you. If it’s home time, then it’s home time. That doesn’t mean you won’t do the work, it just means you’ve ring fenced when work is over.
Finally, DO NOT do tell them what you’re really thinking. As much as you’d really, really like to.
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