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  • Writer's pictureJohn Karras

Are you really looking to change careers, or simply looking for a new job?

This brief article reviews some factors to consider when determining if you’re really looking to change careers, or simply looking for a new job. In my opinion, there are four areas to consider:

1) Pure Job Search - This is when you like the industry you are currently working in and like the functional position you’re currently doing, but think it is time for a change. This can be for a variety of reasons such as more money, location, or a higher-level position in the same functional area.

2) Industry Transition – This is when you like your functional position, but want to transition your career to a new industry.

3) Functional Transition – This is when you like the industry you are currently working in, but want to transition to a different functional position.

4) Major Transition – You are looking to change both industry and functional position.

Your resume format, how to apply for new positions, and interview preparation strategies will be different depending on which type of search you’re conducting. This all relates to establishing good career direction before you begin the job search process.

If you are thinking about entering the job market and need additional assistance, please contact Job Transitions for a free resume review and initial consultation.

Check out our entire series of podcasts - Career Success: No Fears, No Excuses – available on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, and our website.

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