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  • Writer's pictureJohn Karras

What is the maximum number of bullet points for each section of your resume?

Excellent advice on resume set-up regarding number of bullet points each section of your resume should have. In my opinion, eight is the maximum number. However, there is a very good strategy to increase that number if needed. You can use subheadings.

For example, accounting managers might have the responsibilities of staff supervision and leading project teams, along with overseeing daily operations. Under the job title, you might select the subheading Management & Leadership. You can place up to eight bullet points relating to that aspect of your job under that subheading. The second subheading might be Operations. You can place up to eight bullet points relating to that aspect of your job under that subheading.

Not only does this strategy help the cosmetics (overall look and feel) of your resume, but allows you to use the appropriate number of bullet points to accurately describe your skills and achievements. Additionally, the terms you use for the subheadings will serve as excellent key words. Each bullet point needs to serve a purpose, but this strategy allows you a little more breathing room during the initial construction of your resume.

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